programmatic advertising

What Is Programmatic Advertising, and How Is It Different from Traditional Advertising?

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Well, what is programmatic advertising? Automated digital advertising space purchases and sales are known as programmatic advertising. Until the advent of programmatic advertising, ad purchases, setups, and reporting were all done manually. Programmatic advertising streamlines the process, making it more efficient and successful. Programmatic platforms have built up their ad inventory and database such that they can access any format or channel programmatically.

Who Uses Programmatic Advertising?

Businesses and organizations can use programmatic advertising to promote on digital screens. The process of buying and selling digital adverts was formerly done by hand, which made it expensive and unreliable.


Publishers who allow native advertising on their websites are helping programmatic advertising soar to new heights. Publishers are increasingly turning to programmatic native advertising because it is more resistant to ad blockers than other ad formats.

As a result, it gives marketers more time to use programmatic approaches to optimize and improve their ads in order to achieve campaign success.

What Is the Process of Programmatic Advertising?

Advertisers who want to acquire ad space for their company’s promotion can use programmatic advertisements, which connect ad inventory owners (publishers) with buyers (advertisers).

WHAT is the process of programmatic advertising

In order to create a digital campaign to market a product or service, advertisers contact their programmatic advertising agency or trading desk. Automated buying of ad impressions is done by the agency using a demand-side platform (DSP).

Advertisers and their agencies can buy ad inventory from various publishers using a DSP. Using a data management platform (DMP), a DSP guarantees that the advertising is focused on the proper audience. A wide range of characteristics, including location, demographics, user behavior, and online activity, are taken into account when determining the ideal audience to target with this data.

After an advertiser’s target audience member visits a publisher’s website, the supply-side platform receives an ad request (SSP). To maximize the value of an impression, an SSP is utilized by a publisher to sell advertising. The SSP and DSP are linked together to conduct an auction among their buyers.

When the DSP gets ad data, it analyses it and matches it to the data and target criteria it already has. This is used to determine the starting bid price. Real-time bidding is a term used to describe a procedure that takes place within an SSP or ad exchange in real time.

The bidding procedure is completed in just 100 milliseconds, despite the impression that it takes a lengthy time. An impression is sent to the publisher’s website for display after it has been sold. When a person visits or refreshes the webpage, the process repeats itself.

What are Programmatic Platforms?

Platforms like Adziv that assist with programmatic advertising are known as programmatic platforms. Publishers can use a variety of channels to discover the proper services and connect with the relevant advertisers.

programmatic platform

Platforms for programmatic advertising are an integral aspect of the whole system needed to carry out the process. To ensure that both publishers and advertisers profit, the system works as a whole. DSP and SSP, DMP and Ad Exchange are only a few of the platforms that we’ve already discussed in the context of this article.

Why Advertisers Need Programmatic Advertising?

For marketers, obtaining access to ad inventory was a challenge prior to the advent of programmatic advertising. Approximately 60% of publisher ad space went unfilled as a result of this. The use of automation made it much easier to analyze and purchase advertising inventory, which helped to solve the problem.

Programmatic advertising’s advantages for advertisers include:

Ability to scale.  Prompted by programmatic advertising, advertisers can now target an enormous audience by acquiring advertising space from any and all ad inventory that is accessible.

Adaptability in real-time. Ads can be tweaked in real-time based on impressions and can be targeted using a wide range of parameters.

Capabilities for locating targets. In order to maximize an advertiser’s budget, programmatic targeting is a great option.

Efficiency. Targeted ads are served more frequently, and the process is more efficient. Access to a big pool of publishers offers better returns on investment for advertising, but publishers can also increase their earnings. Publishers.

Programmatic vs. Digital Advertising

In contrast to digital advertising, which aims to reach as many people as possible, programmatic advertising uses precise targeting techniques to segment the audience based on real data. In order to buy, place, and optimize ads, programmatic advertising combines the best features of technological breakthroughs and human expertise.