Robots.txt How to Use It and How It Affects SEO 1

The Knowledge You Need About Important Files – Robots.txt

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The standard or protocol used to communicate with crawlers and other web robots is called the robot exclusion standard. In simple words, it is called Robots.txt. when used for SEO work, it is the simplest file to set up. But the smallest error can wreak havoc on the SEO, preventing the search engine from gaining access to the site’s content.

The delicate process is why it is very common to have misconfiguration even by professional SEO. This file is used to direct the search engine on the website. It lists any content that you want to lock. This way, search engines like Google cannot access it. Many of the search engines can also be offered links to crawl on.

Directive acts as an order that guides the search engine’s bots, like the google bots to the desired pages. This protocol is categorized as plain text and resides in the file’s root directory. For the bots, the txt file has two general functions.

  • Allow crawling on a subfolder on certain pages if the parent is disallowed.
  • Disallow meaning to block the SEO from crawling a URL path. But the robots.txt file is different from the no-index meta directives, preventing the data from being indexed.

The text file rather than the unbreakable rule for bots is more like a suggestion. For select keywords, your pages can still end up indexed in the search results. Mainly, the files manage the frequency and depth of crawling and control the strain on your server. The file appoints user agents that either applies to a specific search engine bot or extend the order to all bots.

For example, you can send a directive being the user agent. This way, instead of Bing, only Google can crawl pages consistently. Website developers and owners can stop bots from crawling certain pages or sections of a site with the text file.

Do you need the Robots.txt File?

For a website, the txt file is not necessary. If it does not have the file and a robot comes to the website, it will revolve around the website and the index pages like it normally would. If you have more control over what is being crawled, the robots.txt file is needed.

Benefits of having a file are

  • Server overload can be managed easily.
  • Prevent bots from visiting pages you do not want them to. This prevents the crawl waste by the bots.
  • Subdomains and certain folders can be kept private.

Can It Prevent Contents Indexing?

No, with the robots.txt file, you cannot prevent the indexing of the file. Some robots may still index the content you set not to be crawled. Since not all robots the instruction same way. The search engine will have to index it if there are external links in the content you are trying to prevent from appearing in the search results.

Adding a no-index meta tag is the only way for the irrelevant pages not to be indexed. All things, you still need to let the page crawl in the text file if you do not want it to be indexed by the search engine.

Robots.txt file Location

If you want to find the location of the file, it is very simple. For any website, the file will be present at the root domain. The actual file can be accessed on most websites. This way, a person can edit the file in FTP or your control panel by accessing File Manager. You can find the file in your administrative areas on some CMS platforms. Similarly, if you are on WordPress, the file can be accessed in the folder of public-HTML.

Why use Robots.txt?

In SEO, you want Google and its users to find all pages of your website. The answer is no. You only want them to access pages with relative product information. They will not rank the website by reading the comments and reviews of the people. Such pages do not qualify to be ranked and receive traffic.

Through the text file, login pages and staging sites are disallowed. Constant crawling of irrelevant and nonessential pages can decrease the server’s speed and hinder the SEO efforts by causing other problems. The text file is used to prevent such problems from occurring. It is the solution to determine when and what the bots crawl.

It helps process the optimization action for the SEO. Their crawling checking registers when you change the meta descriptions, header tags, and keyword usage. The search engine ranks your website as fast as possible depending on the positive development.

As you publish new content or implement an SEO strategy, you have to make the search engine recognize the changes you are making, presenting the result of the said changes. The evidence of the website can have a lag if you have slow crawling on the website. Robots.txt can make the website efficient and clean, although it can not raise its ranking directly.

It optimizes the site making it difficult to incur any penalties, slow your server, sap your crawl budget, and plug in the wrong pages.

 Create a Robots.txt File

People who do not have any files can easily add one by studying the following steps.

  • Open the editor that you want to use. The editors mostly use text edit, Notepad, and Microsoft Word on computers.
  • The directives of your choosing can be added to the document.
  • Save the file and name it “Robots.txt”.
  • Test the file to see if it is working properly.
  • Upload the file in the control panel or with an FTP. The type of website decides how you upload the file.

Plugins like All-in-One SEO and Yoast rank math to generate and edit the file in WordPress. In other cases, you can simply use a generator tool to prepare a file. In this case, the margin or error decreases by a lot.

Improve the SEO

While the file cannot get the top rankings, SEO increases the ranking a little. The file is an integral component of SEO and ensures that the site runs smoothly. The purpose of SEO is to rapidly load the relevant page where the user can get content that boosts your website’s ranking.

Preserve and Crawl Budget

Bot crawling of the search engine is valuable. But it can also overwhelm a site. Weak sites that do not have the ability to handle the pressure of both bots and users can be greatly affected. For specific sites that meet their requirements, Googlebot sets aside a budgeted portion. The larger site with immense authority gets a greater budget from Googlebot.

There are two driving factors for the crawl budget.

  • The crawl rate limit is used to restrict the search engine’s crawling behavior. This makes sure that the crawling does not overwhelm your website.
  • Crawl demand, freshness, and popularity determine whether the website requires less or more crawling.

Because you do not have enough budget for crawling, you can download the file to keep the Googlebot away from irrelevant material. Making it focus on the significant pages ceases the wastage of the crawl budget and saves you from unnecessary worry.

Prevent Duplication

Duplicate content is frowned upon in any work. It does not matter if you have a hard copy of the content. But duplicated content on the website will not be beneficial for you to show up on search engine ranking.

Designate Instructions for the Bots

There can be many types of bots in a singular search engine. Google has Googlebot videos, Googlebot images, adbots and even crawlers. The crawlers can be directed away with robots.txt from the other files. You can put disallow option on the files to stop the bots from accessing the files.


Robots.txt can add to the SEO strategy by helping the engine bots to navigate within your website. Using such technical SEO techniques, you can expect to secure a great ranking.